Friday, November 14, 2008

Why not just go to Wal-Mart?

This is my first post on making your own healthy, nourishing and (usually) wonderfully smelling all natural body products. So, why bother when you can trundle down to your local Wal-Mart and get a gazillion gallon size tub of crap for, like, a buck?

First off because Wal-Mart is Teh Debil, and one should never feed teh debil. Srsly. And I don’t even believe in teh debil, bein' an atheist and all! But Wal-Mart aside, all that crap you buy in stores, including most of the crap that calls itself “natural”, is, like, rly, rly bad for you. Rly. There are thousands of funky-ass chemicals in there! Many of them are known carcinogens! Who really knows about the rest? The average person absorbs 5 pounds of toxins a year from the stuff!!! 74% of all commercial skin care products contain one or more of the following categories of toxins:

1) Carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals)
2) Teratogens (causing birth defects)
3) Reproductive toxins (male & female infertility)
4) Developmental toxins (unborn children)
5) Skin/sense organ toxicants (skin disease and rashes)
6) Allergenic toxicants (causing allergies)
7) Mutagens (pre-cursor to cancer)


So, why put stuff on your body that’s going to give you cancer or mutate your children when there are hundreds of natural goodies that can do everything from nourish, heal, even regenerate tissue to wash your windows and do your tax returns?
Ok, maybe not the windows or your tax returns, but seriously, there’s no reason not to make your own, vastly superior skin care products. Next post, I’ll show you how easy it can be.



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